Bookkeeping's Silent Stigma - Is it all in the Name?

Apr 04, 2023

I’ve had some interesting conversations lately around what people believe a ‘bookkeeper’ is, and it’s become quite apparent that for those that don’t work in our industry, there is a real lack of understanding about what we actually do. 

Despite a huge amount of evolution in our industry, there still seems to be a stigma attached to the title of ‘Bookkeeper’.

Many people still believe that bookkeeping is purely data entry and transactional in nature, when it is so much more.

It’s no wonder that so many Bookkeepers struggle to communicate their value, suffer from imposter syndrome and don't charge their worth, when many don't actually understand what we do, realise the contribution that our profession makes to the business community, or know what being a bookkeeper means?

One of the biggest challenges I see when mentoring bookkeepers, is associated with giving them the confidence to communicate their value, to not sell themselves short, and to believe in the benefits they can provide their clients.

Though, how can we effectively communicate our value, when we largely we feel quite undervalued or underestimated?

How can we remove the stigma?

There are people in our industry screaming out for our 'title' to be changed…. but should we have to do this? Or is it just a matter of diligently (and collectively) redefining the conversation, educating our clients and the wider business community, and stepping into our own?

Our profession has been completely transformed over the past 10 – 15 years. I started my bookkeeping business almost 23 years ago, and I have been on a constant journey of evolution ever since. The value I and countless others in our profession provide is no longer just made up of the recording of business transactions - we have become close and trusted advisors to our clients.

Despite how much we’ve evolved, we are in large, the quiet achievers of the business world, working diligently behind the scenes.

I think it’s time for us to step up and start owning and communicating the huge amount of value we have to offer the business community. We are now supporting our clients in so many ways outside of ‘traditional bookkeeping’ by providing additional services, like:

·      Technology Advice

·      Automation and Integration Support

·      Digital Transformation

·      Real Time Data Analysis

·      Change Management

·      Payroll & HR

·      Mediations with Government Agencies

·      Cash Flow Management

·      Forecasting

·      Collaboration with CFO’s, Accountants and other Advisors

·      Business Coaching

Whether or not a name change is necessary is up for debate, but what is clear to me is that Bookkeepers are far more than just number crunchers, and our contributions to the business community need to be recognised.

Should we be looking to change the name of our profession (and what would it be)? Or, do we just need to step out of the shadows and learn to sell ourselves better to communicate the huge amount of knowledge, business acumen and value we provide, and educate people on what the role of a Bookkeeper actually encompasses?  

This isn't a new discussion, though it has made its way into many conversations I have had with industry peers recently. What are your thoughts?

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