Why a New-Year Review & Reset is So Important

Dec 20, 2022

I make a point of taking a step back from my business over the festive period to allow myself time to re-calibrate. I lean into my systems and workflows to carry the load and ensure that clients are managed effectively, though I really do try to take a break.

Because, if I can step back into the business with fresh eyes in the new year, I know that both my business and I will be the better for it.

One of the first things I like to do on my return is to whip out the business plan and run through a high level health-check of key areas of my business, including:

➡ objectives and strategic direction

➡ my team

➡ my systems and processes

➡ my 'why'

➡ my vision, mission and values

➡ my marketing activity and channels, including digital profile

➡ my ideal client profile

➡ my niche


➡ my pricing strategy and service offering

➡ and of course the critical numbers and financials

I try to avoid getting too distracted by the nitty gritty, and start with the basics. A good old 'traffic light' system works wonders for a first pass.

🔴 What's not working and needs to be left behind?

🟠 What needs to be reviewed and potentially reset?

🟢 What's working and is ready to be super-charged?

From there I pull together an action plan, ensuring that anything that hasn't worked is left in the past, anything questionable is audited and reset, and any winners are surfaced and given the opportunity to thrive.

This simple process is a great way to re-calibrate at the start of the year and make sure that you and your business continue to grow and evolve.

What Review & Reset routines do you have in place in your bookkeeping business?

Discover more valuable insights from multi-award winning Bookkeeping mentor, course creator, and Bookwiz Academy founder Martine Hoosen on her blog and learn from a trusted Australian industry leader.

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Hi! I'm Martine Hoosen

Welcome to Bookwiz Academy, where I share over 23 years of a multi-award winning bookkeeping, business ownership & mentoring experience with you!

Have a look around, & feel free to reach out & say hi!