5 Ways to Support Women in Business (on IWD and every day).

Mar 08, 2024

When I started my business 24 years ago, a newly single mum of two young boys - there is no doubt I was operating in survival mode.

There were no industry groups back then, no support communities, or networking opportunities. And when it came to creating and running a bookkeeping business - I really was making it up along the way. And I felt that I was always fighting to be taken seriously. It was hard. Really hard!

Thankfully, times have changed are there are some great industry bodies and associations, along with smaller (though equally as important) support networks to help us navigate the journey of being a small business owner.

And I’m really grateful to now be in the position where I can help, support, guide and mentor others.

So, this International Women’s Day, I thought I would share the 5 small things you can do every day, that can have a huge impact on supporting someone else’s journey.

Be a mentor... If you’re privileged enough to have racked up some experience and expertise, share it and help others on their journey.

Be a sounding board... Just being there is sometimes all it takes. Be there to listen, validate concerns, spitball ideas, and of course celebrate wins.

Be an advocate... Jump into posts and feeds, share articles, leave a confidence boosting comment, send the ❤️ and be someone’s biggest fan.

Be a connector - Helping extend someone’s network can be a huge assist. Introduce, refer, and be a networking side-kick.

Be the tribe - Get in there and help build the community as a whole - there really is strength (and support) in numbers. Finding my tribe was so important - like minded women who understood everything I was going through, who held each other up rather than seeing ourselves as competitors and tearing each other down. Be that and be there for others.

This International Women’s Day I’ll be reflecting on the things that really helped me in my journey, and those things I wish I had access to when starting out, and reminding myself exactly why I do what I do- every day, not just today.

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Hi! I'm Martine Hoosen

Welcome to Bookwiz Academy, where I share over 23 years of a multi-award winning bookkeeping, business ownership & mentoring experience with you!

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